15 House Pants That Survive In The Cold Temperature.

Sometimes it takes time to pick out houseplants that can handle the cold. This is because most houseplants will perish in extremely cold conditions. A cool bedroom or balcony is just as uncomfortable as a cold bathroom.

Certain indoor house plants are cold, hardy, and can live in chilly conditions. We’ve compiled a list of the toughest houseplants that survive very cold conditions.

1.  ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant, often called the Arum Fern, is a well-known houseplant with vivid green leaves. But this plant’s ability to survive very low temperatures in winter sets it apart.

Beautiful and low-maintenance, the ZZ plant is a great choice for any garden. Since it can survive in cool temperatures, you may put it almost anywhere in your house.

Something amazing about this plant is its ease of tolerating complete darkness. The ZZ plant can thrive in low light conditions, so don’t worry if your home lacks windows.

The ZZ plant is neither a fast grower nor reaches astronomical dimensions. Either way, it works well in compact dwellings.

2.  Orchid

Even though orchids don’t have the reputation of being a low-maintenance plant, they’re not impossible to grow. The sturdy green stems of these lovely plants are stunning and will provide a welcome jolt of energy to any room in which they are placed.

The Moth Orchid thrives in medium light but may make do in dim conditions. These plants are surprisingly hardy throughout the colder months, even without regular watering. As it thrives in arid conditions, this plant will continue producing flowers even if you forget to water it daily.

3.  Clivia

Clivia might be your best pick for a hardy plant that can be used in various settings and endure the winter months. Flowers on this Trumpet-shaped plant may be anywhere from red to orange and are well admired for their vivid hues and unique design.

As a result, Clivias retain their leaves in the cold as many other houseplants do; this is a major advantage over their competition.

Clivia’s remarkable adaptability to many conditions is one of its most outstanding characteristics.


These houseplants can thrive in any environment, even dim lighting and draughty corners. Clivias thrive in arid conditions and can withstand freezing temperatures.

4.  Jade

The Jade Plant is a great choice for a year-round indoor plant due to its thick leaves and woody stalks. In time, the plant will mature gracefully into a little tree.

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It may be placed in almost any place because of its resistance to warm and cold breezes. The Jade plant does best in bright, indirect light but may survive in low-light settings.

The potted plant requires well-drained soil and frequent, but not daily, watering. For extra shiny leaves, you may supplement them with low-dose fertilizers.

5.  Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is an excellent alternative for a long-lived houseplant that can withstand the cold winter and add visual appeal to your home’s decor.

The Snake Plant survives the winter months well and does well in periods of low light and dryness. The blade-shaped leaves of this plant come in a rainbow of colors and designs. The plant is useful in more ways than one for cleaning the air in your house.

6.  Christmas Cactus

A Christmas cactus might be the best thing since sliced bread for Thanksgiving. Being a real cactus, this plant does well in warm, humid tropical environments. Similarly, it can survive even the worst winters and needs almost little upkeep.

The plant blooms in the winter, when its flowers take on the form and coloration of pink or violet orchids.


You may grow a Christmas cactus inside or out. It likes to be in the shade and doesn’t need frequent watering. Hence, this is the perfect option if you are careless and want a plant that can adapt to your schedule.

7.  Ponytail Palm

The Ponytail Palm is one of the few houseplants that can survive the cold of winter and give your home a touch of exotic flare. You may keep growing this plant worry-free since it tolerates low humidity and dry soil.

The plant’s broad and densely textured trunk absorbs much water. In dry periods, it draws from its reserves.

Water flows down the plant’s waterfall of long, brilliant green leaves. The Ponytail Palm is very hardy and a great complement to any room.

8.  Philodendron

In terms of indoor plants, this one has to be among the toughest. The Philodendron is one of the few plants that can survive the winter without being brought inside.

The plant’s large, split, green leaf and ability to withstand drought have made it a favorite. The Philodendron is an easy-care plant that thrives well in partial shade.

This plant prefers a humid environment and nutrient-rich soil, so keep that in mind if you want to bring it inside. While you may develop them in water or water beads alone, soil promotes growth and allows quicker development.

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This plant has to be watered at least once every two weeks for optimal growth.

9.  Maidenhair Fern

Many ferns are adapted to living in heavily wooded environments with little direct sunlight to thrive. These plants may survive the winter months without any problems since they do not need a lot of sunshine.

This group of plants includes the adaptable Maidenhair Fern. You mostly need a lot of water, however. Because of this, the soil must be kept continually moist during the growing process. The elegant and fragile Maidenhair plant may survive in dim light for weeks or months.

10.      Hoya

The Hoya, sometimes known as the Wax plant, is a climbing plant that thrives in warm, moist climates. Plants with thick, waxy leaves like the ones on this list are quite popular among gardeners.

These hardy plants do well in a variety of environments. Even better, they can adjust to different intensities of light. That’s why the Hoya works so well as a winter plant. A cool, dry, and somewhat shaded spot is ideal for this plant to flourish.

We advise against overwatering the soil since it doesn’t fare well in soggy conditions. The plant needs watering around once every three days. Very little care is needed, yet it flourishes happily and without complaints.

11.      Moss Terrarium

Although moss terrariums aren’t the best winter plants, they can survive cold temperatures in a micro greenhouse. A glass terrarium is one option for housing your pets. Here, the glass will do double duty, sheltering the plant from scorching sun and freezing winds.

The terrarium serves a dual purpose of protecting the plants within and serving as a conversation piece in your living area. Adding many plants of the same kind will also improve the room’s aesthetic.

The fern and its companions would rank among the best choices. Provide them with at least an hour of sunshine every day and daily watering.

Following this easy regimen will aid in developing these plants into fully grown and extremely attractive Moss Terrarium miniature variations that will thrive in any climate.

12.      Succulents

Our list of plants that easily survive the winter months would be much better with succulents. Succulents are very hardy plants that can survive in almost any environment.

You may put them on a windowsill in a dry area, and since they come in so many different colors, you can always arrange them in a manner that suits your tastes. We recommend not watering succulents in the winter if you live in a chilly, northern environment.

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If you reside in a tropical region that only seldom sees sunshine, you should water the plant about once every two or three days. Some succulents continue to develop throughout the winter, while others start up again in April.

They will continue to thrive regardless, making them an excellent choice for your indoor garden. These plants need less attention since they are low-maintenance.

13.      Chinese Evergreen


According to its name, the Chinese evergreen brings a touch of lushness to your interiors. This lovely plant is also very hardy, able to withstand the harsh conditions of winter without flinching. The leaves of the Chinese Evergreen are renowned for their intricate patterns.

In addition to flourishing in tropical settings, it is hard enough to survive in controlled indoor conditions.

The plant can survive in various temperatures, humidity, and low-light and freezing situations. All you have to do is give it a home garden to grow in.

The fact that the Chinese evergreen retains its original coloration even when grown in a poorly lit space is just another one of its distinguishing characteristics.

While it will not thrive in under-watered soil, it is preferable to put it in soil that is kept at a consistent moisture level.

14.      Fiddle Leaf

Another great houseplant that survives the winter without any problems is the Fiddle Leaf Plant. But you must tend to the plant and wait for it to develop at the appropriate time of year.

After you’ve got your fiddle leaf fig, you should give it a good soaking every two weeks while it develops. Yet, you only need to water once a month throughout the winter.

Pay attention to the room’s temperature before watering the Fiddle leaf Plant since water evaporates more slowly in cooler environments.

15.      Aloe

The aloe plant is a great option if your home is dry in the winter or if you need to remember to water your plants. This tough and succulent plant retains water in its intricately patterned leaves.

This property alone ensures its survival throughout extended periods of drought. The only slight drawback is that there is no visible sign that the plant is drying out.

That’s why it’s important to periodically check the soil moisture levels to ensure they’re adequate. In that manner, your Aloe vera plant won’t quickly droop.


While these houseplants are low-maintenance and resilient, they still need some TLC. That’s why it’s important to consider the right procedures to decorate your home. This will not only keep them healthy over the winter but throughout the year as well.

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