Top 10 Easiest Flowers To Grow

Do the flower pots and borders around your neighbors’ homes appear vibrant and full of life, but the ones you have become dry and unattractive with time?

It is a well-known truth that some garden plants are much simpler to cultivate from seed than others; however, your neighbor most likely already knows this.

Find out how to have a garden that is beautiful all summer long with little effort by reading our list of the top 10 garden plants that are simple to cultivate.

1.  Sunflowers


A perennial favorite among children, the sunflower variety known as “Mongolian Giant” may reach heights of up to 14 feet and is sure to leave them in awe.

Just plant each seed directly into the soil in a warm, protected location, and then sit back and watch it multiply and multiply and multiply! If you want your sunflowers to be the tallest in the neighborhood, make sure the stalks have something to support them.

2.  Sweet Peas

Sweet Peas

Fragrance and attractiveness are impossible to resist! And the more blooms you pluck, the more they will produce in the future! Sweet peas have big seeds that are simple to handle, but if the process of planting them seems too difficult, you may always get them as sweet pea plug plants instead.

All these climbers need to provide you with your very own “home-produced” fresh flowers in a sunny place, a fence that will sustain them, and consistent watering.

But be sure to keep a sharp lookout for mice, slugs, and snails since they are particularly fond of the early shoots. Think of covering it with a little cloche or even a plastic bottle with the top cut off.

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3.  Nigella (Love in A Mist)

Nigella (Love in A Mist)

Nigella is a plant that requires very little effort to cultivate. Just disperse nigella seed throughout an area of bare soil, and then step back and let nature take its course.

Despite having blooms that are like jewels and foliage that seems like fragile ferns, nigella is far more resilient than it appears. As the gorgeous petals fall off, this lovely plant will begin to produce seeds for the next year.

4.  Aquilegia


Aquilegias are hardy perennials that are simple to cultivate from seed and will return year after year. Aquilegias should be started in tiny pots so that they may be transplanted later.

As they have become established, they will produce their own seeds, ensuring that you will always have new plants available each year. They are hard enough to grow in full sun or partial shade, and their dainty blossoms, which resemble bonnets, are available in about every conceivable color combination.

5.  Eschscholzia (Californian Poppy)

Eschscholzia (Californian Poppy)

If you tend to be lazy when it comes to watering your plants, then Eschscholzia is an excellent choice for your garden. These colorful small annuals are great for filling in neglected parts of the garden since they grow in soil that is poor and dry and needs full light.

Just disperse them around the area in which you want them to bloom, and they will take care of themselves. They will produce seeds every year, and those seeds will germinate and expand the next summer, producing beautiful drifts of color.

6.  Nasturtium


Children will have little trouble cultivating nasturtiums due to their fast growth and vibrant colors. Plant them in the ground as a ground cover in borders or allow them to overrun their pots.

It is possible to put the huge seeds straight into the soil; however, you will need to wait until after the last frosts before doing so. The peppery leaves and blossoms of these plants are a wonderful addition to the garnish for summer salads.

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7.  Marigold


Another excellent option for novice gardeners to consider is the use of bedding plants that are simple to cultivate. Marigold seeds are simple to work with, and their plants develop rapidly, which means that you won’t have to wait long to enjoy the brightly colored blooms they produce.

There is a marigold variety that is ideal for every sunny place in the garden, from tall variations that are ideal for the border to compact forms that are great for beds and pots.

8.  Geranium ‘Hardy’ (Cranesbill)

Geranium 'Hardy' (Cranesbill)

Cranesbill is so popular due to the fact that it is a trustworthy ground cover that requires very little care and will roam over your borders year after year. Growing hardy geraniums from seed are not very challenging, but if you start with bare roots, the process will be much less complicated.

9.  Fuchsia


Patio plants that are produced from plugs are very simple to care for, and the most popular use for them is to give color to hanging baskets and pots.

Fuchsias are available in a wide variety of colors and forms, including trailing and upright varieties; for a more ambitious show, you may want to try the climbing fuchsia variety known as “Lady Boothby.”

Pinch off the very tips of each stem while the plants are still young to stimulate plenty of bushy growth. This will give the plants an appearance that is highly polished and professional. Even though they’re edible, fuchsia berries aren’t often very appetizing.

10.      Pansy


It’s difficult to say no to the allure of pansies, what with their bright and happy faces. Favorites in the yard, these easy-to-grow plants may be started from seed, but pansy plug plants make the process much simpler.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re growing these plants for their winter or summer color; if you deadhead the spent flowers, you’ll stimulate additional and more vibrant blooms.

Flowers That Are Simple to Cultivate Mean Less Labor for You.

There are a few things you can do to ensure that the plants here function to the absolute best of their abilities, despite the fact that they are simple to care for, may thrive in difficult situations, and won’t need a great deal of additional attention.

After planting, add mulch to the area.

When you have planted these low-maintenance flowers in the ground, you can help the soil retain more moisture by covering it with a layer of organic mulch that is two to three inches thick.

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Even though plants are able to tolerate dry soil and weather, doing so helps them keep the greatest number of blossoms and the best foliage throughout the season.

To prevent the plant from being too moist and rotting, keep the mulch at least 3 to 4 inches away from the crown, which is the point where the stems emerge from the earth. In addition to assisting the soil in holding onto moisture, mulch also reduces the number of times per week that the soil has to be watered.

Be careful fertilizing the ground.

Since these straightforward flowers are going to produce a large number of blooms, you need to ensure that they get enough amount of nutrients. Food is the essential fuel and source of energy that your body needs in order to function properly.

Scratch a shovelful of compost over the surface of the soil or use a slow-release fertilizer once throughout the springtime. Doing any of these things will ensure that your plants have sufficient of what they need to develop and look beautiful.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t worry too much about it; the growth of these simple flowers will be perfectly normal even if you fail to fertilizer them on time or don’t follow a strict timetable.

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