How Many Wide Variety Of Rapidly Growing Evergreen Plants?

Everyone wants fast-growing evergreen shrubs for their capacity to rapidly establish themselves as towering private wall or landscape hedge.

There are a lot of species to choose from, but some are more suited to certain environments than others. To help you choose the best evergreen

for your environment, we’ve compiled a list of the 18 fastest-growing species.

1.   Arborvitae, Green Giant

Green Giant Arborvitae Trees For Sale | Buy Evergreen Trees

The evergreen shrub Green Giant Arborvitae is one of the quickest-growing options. This gigantic hybrid has the potential to reach a height

of 40-50 feet and a spread of 8-12 feet at maturity. They seem like fast-growing evergreen trees while being formed like shrubs. The usual

‘Green Giant’ uses include screening, hedging, and accent plantings. Unless you have the time and energy to shear this type many times a

year, you should only plant it in an area with room to grow to a height of 30 feet or more. Choose ‘Emerald Green’ (described more in this

article) for a low-maintenance option in a more compact area. Planting an arborvitae where its leaves will get at least six hours of sunshine

each day will promote the fastest growth. They may also grow in partial shade; however, their development will be slowed somewhat.

You may find out on this map if you don’t know what USDA Plant Hardiness Zone you live in. Green Giant Arborvitaes thrive in Zones

5-8. This plant is ideal if you reside in a region that experiences severe winters due to its ability to withstand snow and wind.

2.   Cypress Leyland

Fast-growing and low-maintenance Leyland Cypress (Cupressus leylandii) hedges and privacy screens are staples in many landscapes.

This vigorous hybrid starts looking like a shrub, yet it may eventually tower above most ornamental trees. Leyland cypress trees typically

increase in height by 3 to 4 feet every year, ultimately maturing to a height of 60 to 70 feet and a width of 15 to 20 feet.

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The rapid growth of Leyland Cypress trees makes them ideal for use as a tall hedge or perimeter plant on expansive landscapes. This tree

is great for screening off sights and sounds because of its fast growth rate and mature height. This plant type may be readily sculpted into

a groomed appearance by shearing.

2.25 Gal. Leyland Cypress Evergreen Tree with Green Foliage (2-Pack) 15678 - The Home Depot

This plant does best in full sun but may survive in dappled light if necessary; however, its growth pace will be affected. These trees are not

the greatest option in windy regions or climates where ice forms on the branches (if a huge shrub is needed, go for Green Giant Arborvitae

instead due to its superior strength).

3.   The Spartan Juniper

Commonly known as “Spartan Juniper,” the Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’ is a popular evergreen conifer. They may not be the quickest

growers in the neighbourhood, but their 12–18 inches annual growth rate is rather good. At maturity, these plants may measure 15–18 feet

in height and 4–5 feet in width.

These quick-growers are often used as medium-height hedges, foundation plants, or privacy screens. The thick foliage offers privacy all

year and can resist severe shearing if necessary. When looking for an evergreen, junipers are one of the best options since they are resistant

to deer. Spartan Junipers thrive in full sun but may also survive in dappled light. Do not place them in areas of constant shadow. Keep

them well-watered for the first year or two after planting, and include organic matter into the soil before planting for optimal development.

4.   Prague Viburnum

As its name suggests, Prague Viburnum (Viburnum x pretence) is a hybrid of two types of Viburnums. When fully mature, these bushes

grow between 8 and 10 feet tall and 6 and 8 feet broad. Prague viburnums have a high growth rate, expanding by roughly 2 feet yearly. You

may use this plant as a windbreak, a screen, or a hedge. It also functions very well as an ornamental plant. The attractive evergreen shrub

retains its glossy, dark green foliage through even the coldest Midwestern winters. Beautiful pink springtime buds open to reveal delicately

scented, pure white blossoms. Viburnum is like full sun but may still thrive in dappled light. The ideal climate for a Prague Viburnum is Zones

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5.   Moonlight Juniper

The tall evergreen shrub Juniper (Juniperus scopulorum ‘Moonglow’) has beautiful silvery green leaves. These well-liked plants grow to a height

of 18-20 feet and a width of 6-8 feet in their mature form, a growth rate of roughly 2 feet each year. ‘Moonglow’ is often used as a tall privacy

screen or hedge plant. Naturally pyramidal in shape, these plants need little care (unless clipped frequently into a formal hedge). Songbirds

love juniper trees, so seeing them planted in groups in wildlife gardens is not surprising. Moonglow Juniper is shade-intolerant and thrives in

bright sunlight. This plant, however, can survive low temperatures and thrive in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 3-7.

Juniper Moonglow 5 Gallon – Garden Girl Regina

6.   Arborvitae, Color of Emerald

Evergreen conifer Thuja occidentalis ‘Emerald Green’ has thick, beautiful green leaves. This common landscaper may add a foot or two to its

yearly height in ideal circumstances. At maturity, this type of Arborvitae grows to be between 10 and 15 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet broad.

Because it grows so densely, ‘Emerald Green’ is often used as a hedge. They are ideal for privacy screens in urban areas because of their mature

height of slightly over 10 feet. These bushes are hardly enough to spend years in containers if necessary and look great when used as topiary.

Emerald Green Arborvitae develops at an accelerated rate when exposed to full sun (at least six hours of sunshine each day). When exposed to

varying degrees of shade, plant specimens slow their growth. Adequate soil moisture is also necessary for optimal development. The hardiness

zone range for Emerald Green Arborvitae is from 4 to 8.


7.   Boxwood, Sprinter

One of the quickest-developing boxwood species, ‘Sprinter Boxwood’ (Buxus microphylla ‘Bulthouse’), is popular. In only a few short years,

these fast-developing plants will have reached their full height and width of 2–4 feet. The growth rate is variable, from roughly 4 inches per

year in bad circumstances to 10-12 inches per year in perfect conditions.

Common applications for this boxwood variety include usage as a hedge, border, or accent plant. You may maintain the bushes in their

original state or shear them into a neat linear shape. Although it thrives in full sun, Sprinter Velvet Boxwood may survive in dappled light.

It’s hardy in warm climates (Zones 4-8).

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8.   Hicks Yew

You may use the Hicks Yew (Taxus x media ‘Hicksii’) shrub with dark green needles to create a hedge or a screen. Although they develop

more slowly than Arborvitae or Juniper, these shrubs may gain 6-10 inches in a year under ideal circumstances. Hicks Yew trees may grow

up to 10–15 feet tall and 3–6 feet broad when fully mature.

Most often, ‘Hicks’ is planted as a barrier. Yew is largely self-healing because it can fill in thick foliage on bare limbs. They may be more

suitable for the long run than Arborvitae, even though they don’t reach their full height as quickly. It is possible to shear these plants into

topiary forms as well. The ideal solar exposure for Hicks Yew ranges from full sun to light shade. Its hardiness zone range is 4-8.

Hicks Yew Hedges (Shrub) | Taxus x media 'Hicksii' - InstantHedge

9.   Nellie Stevens Holly

The thick, glossy green leaves of the hybrid holly known as Nellie Stevens Holly (Ilex x ‘Nellie Stevens’) are a major selling point for this

variety. Nellie Stevens Holly has the potential to expand by two to three feet a year, ultimately reaching a height of 15 to 25 feet and a spread

of 8 to 15 feet. This holly is often planted as a hedge for seclusion or as staggered plants along a fence or path. It has much potential as a garden

feature since it may be sheared into a formal hedge or left unpruned for a more natural effect. Ms Nellie Stevens Holly thrives in bright sunlight

but may survive in dappled light. Zones 6–9 are ideal for these shrubs.

10.       Cherry Laurel

10 Cherry Laurel Hedge - apx 35-60cm in Pots – Martin's Nursery

The tall broadleaf evergreen shrubs known as cherry laurels (Prunus Lauro Cerasus) are admired for their glossy dark green foliage and

brilliant white blossoms. These fast-growing blooming evergreens may reach a height of 10-12 feet and a spread of 8-10 feet in their mature

form. A fast-growing, descending hedge or evergreen living fence, cherry laurel bushes are a popular choice. Cherry Laurels provide

excellent screening all through the seasons. You may also use a single plant as a standalone shrub or specimen. Pollinators are drawn to the

blooms, and as they mature, the blossoms turn into tiny, dark fruits that the birds eat. These bushes thrive in direct sunlight but may also survive in

dappled light. Also, laurel may tolerate somewhat saline soil conditions.


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